No Stress!

Posted on 3+000002. Filed under: Books by Bishop Jim Swilley, Stress | Tags: , , , |

The more that you are at peace with yourself, the less stress you will have in your life. Guard your heart and never let someone else’s negative words decide the direction of your life. No one should have more power over you than you, and you can determine your own stress level and how much pressure you will allow yourself to feel in a day. If you want peace, you can have peace. You are in the driver’s seat, so determine where you want to go, emotionally, and don’t waver from your intended course. Get a vision of a more confident, more centered you, and become that person. No matter what has happened to you in the past, you can get it together if you want to.

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Man…you just all over the place. Talk about being global.


Yeah, that’s the idea, Peacemaker. Thanks for stopping by

Infinity and Beyond…


AMAZING! ….how you do all you do! Fantastic 20/20 Vision! This will put some POWER in ones day! ~Peace

Hey, CJ…how do I do it? I love creating, and I have a lot to say…and new people to reach…


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